Monday, November 17, 2008
I need to VENT!!!
I am soo sick and tired of not speaking my mind! There are some certain people in my life that need to grow up and realize that the world doesnt revolve around them. Im tired of having my feelings on the back burner to make everyone else happy. The holidays are supposed to be a time for being thankful for what we have and being happy and at this moment im very upset at the way these people make me feel. I'll get over it because thats how i am but i just had to vent a little about whats making me emotional right now! thanks for listening.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A while back my friend Kristy tagged me and im finally getting around to doing it so here it is...
7 random things about me...
1) I love being a girl! And all the things that go with that such as getting my nails done and getting pedicures. Those little things in life make me a little bit happier!
2)I love doing hair. And Ive loved it since i was a little girl.
3) Im a procrostinator and i hate that about myself. If anyone has a way for me to be better let me know!!
4) I only have 1 sibling and she is 5 years younger than me.
5) I love my husband Mike with all my heart and soul. Hes the best dad and husband I could have ever hoped for.
6) I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Believe it or not the trials that i have endured have actually strengthened my testimony over the last 2 years more than i thought it could.
7) My kids drive me crazy on a regular basis but i would not trade a day in the world without them, i love them so much and cant wait to add another precious baby to our family.
NOw i tag Jana and Savannah
7 random things about me...
1) I love being a girl! And all the things that go with that such as getting my nails done and getting pedicures. Those little things in life make me a little bit happier!
2)I love doing hair. And Ive loved it since i was a little girl.
3) Im a procrostinator and i hate that about myself. If anyone has a way for me to be better let me know!!
4) I only have 1 sibling and she is 5 years younger than me.
5) I love my husband Mike with all my heart and soul. Hes the best dad and husband I could have ever hoped for.
6) I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Believe it or not the trials that i have endured have actually strengthened my testimony over the last 2 years more than i thought it could.
7) My kids drive me crazy on a regular basis but i would not trade a day in the world without them, i love them so much and cant wait to add another precious baby to our family.
NOw i tag Jana and Savannah
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Okay so I am soo proud of myself. I registered to vote for the first time this year and Mike and I went to vote this afternoon. It felt good to be a part of the community and hope that my little measly vote counts. Just thought i would let everyone know what I did today!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Another 4 weeks
Well yesterday i went to my ob appt. It was another 4 weeks gone and i made it!! yay. All is great. The heartbeat was perfect, but the funny thing was is that i had to do the glucose test and about 30 min after i drank the solution, Lincoln started moving like never before. The nurse couldnt hardly find the heartbeat because my stomach was going crazy. And you could hear him moving around in the doppler. So i might have to watch this kid around sugar..haha. Everything else went fine and the doctor wants to see me every 2 weeks now so the time will go by soo fast. And he is gonna give me another ultrasound next time too. So i have a ton to look forward to this next couple of weeks.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fall break in San Diego
So while Bailee and Bryce had their fall breaks this year we decided to go to Goood ol California! We had soo much fun. I love these trips where we dont really plan anything, its just do what we feel like and alot of relaxing. The only thing we had planned was to go to the san diego zoo. We left arizona on wed afternoon and got to our hotel that night and of course that was the hightlight of our time in cali. The kids just always wanted to go back to the hotel to play. Its amazing the little things that can make my kids happy.
So thursday we ended up at mission beach where the kids got to play at the park and the weather was PERFECT. then we headed down to sit at the beach for a while but my kids arent too fond of the water so we decided to go get some lunch. Of course we had to spend some quality time in the major chlorine filled pool. The that night we ended up in old town sandiego and i had never been there so that was fun to see the historical buildings and the cute little shops.

Us at the beach for 5 minutes!!
Cute preggo pic, I actually look kinda skinny!!
Friday is when we ended up at the zoo and that is seriously the best zoo ever. We were there all day and got to ride the sky ride thing and the tour bus around the park and of course alot of walking.The most amazing part of this zoo trip was the 4 week old gorilla!! Talk about the cutest thing ever, Bailee could not stop talking about that baby all weekend. The fun thing about this gorilla was that when we got to see the baby it was the first showing hes ever had to the public. There was also plenty of other babies at the zoo and lots of other amazing animals.

Baby Gorilla only 4 weeks old!! Look at that hair.
What a cute panda bear.

The family on the skyfari ride, It was so high.
While we were in old town san diego there was soo many mexican food restraunts that i really wanted to eat at and Mike absolutely hates mexican food and i could eat it for every meal. So he compromised with me and told me that saturday for lunch we could eat at one and he would suffer through it(i always get my way...jk) we had so much fun that weekend the kids were soo good. Now bryce always talks about not liking our house he only wants to live in a hotel.
So thursday we ended up at mission beach where the kids got to play at the park and the weather was PERFECT. then we headed down to sit at the beach for a while but my kids arent too fond of the water so we decided to go get some lunch. Of course we had to spend some quality time in the major chlorine filled pool. The that night we ended up in old town sandiego and i had never been there so that was fun to see the historical buildings and the cute little shops.
Friday is when we ended up at the zoo and that is seriously the best zoo ever. We were there all day and got to ride the sky ride thing and the tour bus around the park and of course alot of walking.The most amazing part of this zoo trip was the 4 week old gorilla!! Talk about the cutest thing ever, Bailee could not stop talking about that baby all weekend. The fun thing about this gorilla was that when we got to see the baby it was the first showing hes ever had to the public. There was also plenty of other babies at the zoo and lots of other amazing animals.
Baby Gorilla only 4 weeks old!! Look at that hair.
The family on the skyfari ride, It was so high.
While we were in old town san diego there was soo many mexican food restraunts that i really wanted to eat at and Mike absolutely hates mexican food and i could eat it for every meal. So he compromised with me and told me that saturday for lunch we could eat at one and he would suffer through it(i always get my way...jk) we had so much fun that weekend the kids were soo good. Now bryce always talks about not liking our house he only wants to live in a hotel.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
OB appt!
So I totally made it 4 whole weeks for my ob appt!! I didnt even call the doctors office one time. I actually surprise myself sometimes. Mike even told me that ive been doing really good lately not getting anxiety due to this pregnancy. Everything went really good. The hearbeat was 159 which is really good and strong and my weight is... well its the other thing in pregnancy i hate. I hate seeing the numbers get higher and higher each month but im up 10 lbs total so far and i gained 7 of it in 4 weeks..ahhhhhh! i hope next month brings a little better number. But i guess the pumpkin pie and the bread im eating doesnt help!! Other than that i go in 4 more weeks and get to do the glucose test...yay for me. But as bad as that drink is, it lets me know that im getting farther along and thats really reassuring. I can feel Lincoln move all the time now and that is the best thing in the whole world, I love it. So that was my day so far and tonight i get to work really late so i better go rest for a bit.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bryce is in preschool!!!
I know its been forever since i have blogged but im just not a good blogger. Two weeks ago today Bryce started preschool. I cant believe my baby is old enough for preschool. Time really flys when youre having fun. He was sooo excited to finally go to school like his big sister does. When we dropped him off he didnt even bat an eye over it and was totally fine leaving us for the 2 hours. If any of you know bryce really good you know that he is very much a daddys boy and I as his mom pretty much doesnt exist most days. But I was soo excited to pick him up with dad and bailee and he told me that he missed mommy!! And when mike asked him if he missed him, bryce said "no i only missed my mommy" i seriously wanted to cry, i guess i do exist somewhat in his world. But he did great and really likes it.Its not bad he goes only thursdays and fridays from 11-1:15 so its not too long but just long enough. we are soo proud of him and know he is gonna do just fine in school.

this is his teacher Mrs.Kerry! she is soo sweet and is most definately a preschool teacher. She has soo much energy its amazing! and she is the same teacher that bailee went too as well so she know us really good.
This is Bryce when he finished with school that first day and he still looks happy!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Funny story
I just hought i would share a funny sotry about a ruby! I know not something you probably want to read about, but the story is pretty good. My mom has had this ruby ring that i have wanted since i was a little girl. It was handed down through the years from my dads side of the family. In my eyes it was the prettiest thing i had ever seen. well about 10 years ago my mother had it changed from a ring into a necklace pendant. I was really upset about it. But i convinced her in the last couple of weeks to give it to me since this ruby came from my side of the family and my mom and day are no longer married. so she finally gave it up. The jeweler that changed the ring 10 years ago looked at it and said it was worth 5000 dollars!!! crazy, so anyways i took it to a jeweler that i know and he looked at it and said it was fake!! WHAT???? so he took it to a ruby expert and that guy said it was fake too. so i immediatley told my mom that shed been had by that jeweler years ago and he stole our ruby. I was distraught. so i had to tell the news to my dad and he said there is no ways that ruby is fake. so my mom in the mean time was trying to think of the guys name who changed the ruby and just couldnt remember. then my dad called back and said he found out through the family that the ruby was indeed a FAKE!!! I started laughing so hard to know that we all accused this poor guy of stealing our stone and i literally cried for this ruby. In the end i dont actually care if it was real or not i just wanted it to be the same ruby that came from the family. which it is thank goodness. my mom owns a sign and t shirt shop and 2 stores down from her is a jeweler so she went in there last week and he had wanted a new sign for something and they were talking about their hobbies and she realized that he is the same jeweler from 10 years ago. Its just crazy how our world works! the whole time that we were thinking he was a thief, he was 2 doors down! crazy. its a story that just makes me laugh when i think about it, just the fact that we were so sad over it and then everything comes full circle.
Its been a while!!
Well I thought I would catch you up on whats been going on with the Porters. Last week I had an enrichment activity(craft) at my house and that was soo fun. I was actually surprised at how many people showed up. It was a little stressful but We got through it.
Then over the labor day weekend we went camping with my family and the kids had a blast. I dont care to camp too much but it was actually somewhat enjoyable(maybe i shouldnt admit that...dont tell mike..hahah) anyway it rained pretty much the whole time we were there but i love, love, love the rain so it was nice. There was a little boy named Reed that was there that was a grandson to one of the families and he was 6 and him and bryce played soooooo good together. It was really nice not to have to entertain him. But bailee on the other hand kept asking me "mom, what can we do now?" I told her " Bailee we are doing it, this is what you do when youre camping...nothing" thats why i hate it so much, everyone just sits around and stares at the dirt. Or maybe i just dont know how to entertain myself. Bu all in all it was a fun trip.

Something else that we are looking forward to is my next ultrasound. Its thursday at 8:30am so that will be fun to get to see baby Lincoln for an extended period of time and get to see all his measurement. then on the same day at 11am bryce gets to go to his first day of preschool!!! we are so excited for him and know that he will be such a good boy and learn so much from mrs. kerry!
Then over the labor day weekend we went camping with my family and the kids had a blast. I dont care to camp too much but it was actually somewhat enjoyable(maybe i shouldnt admit that...dont tell mike..hahah) anyway it rained pretty much the whole time we were there but i love, love, love the rain so it was nice. There was a little boy named Reed that was there that was a grandson to one of the families and he was 6 and him and bryce played soooooo good together. It was really nice not to have to entertain him. But bailee on the other hand kept asking me "mom, what can we do now?" I told her " Bailee we are doing it, this is what you do when youre camping...nothing" thats why i hate it so much, everyone just sits around and stares at the dirt. Or maybe i just dont know how to entertain myself. Bu all in all it was a fun trip.

Something else that we are looking forward to is my next ultrasound. Its thursday at 8:30am so that will be fun to get to see baby Lincoln for an extended period of time and get to see all his measurement. then on the same day at 11am bryce gets to go to his first day of preschool!!! we are so excited for him and know that he will be such a good boy and learn so much from mrs. kerry!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Doctor appt today!!!
Well today we went to another doctor appt today at 9;30 this morning. I get soo nervous before my doct appts that i feel like i need to use tha bathroom or i need to throw up. But this appt went really really good!! I had an ultrasound first and the baby was 3 times the size it was 2 weeks ago, its absolutely amazing what our female bodies can do. Anyways, they did all the measuring and she asked us if we wanted to know what the gender was and of course we said yes. We werent sure they would be able to tell because im only 16 weeks but the anatomy was there. There was definitely some junk in between the legs, which means.... its a boy!! we are so excited! Bryce went with us and got to see the baby on the screen and couldnt believe that was the baby in my tummy. But then we had to tell the dreaded news to Bailee who was very insistent on it being a girl. so we picked her up from school and had Bryce tell her, she of course didnt believe him and we had to tell her it was true. So her response was, " well, mommy when you have the next baby then that one can be a girl." So I guess she's not gonna give up on the idea of having a sister. We are gonna name him Lincoln so its fun to know and be able to call him his name and say he or him and not it or baby. Everything else in the ultrasound went great and theres no complications at this time. I go again in 3 weeks for my big ultrasound where they actually measure the legs and arms and check the face and head. we are extatic that everything is going so awesome, any prayers or thoughts that anyone has had for us is truly a blessing and we are very grateful
Well today we went to another doctor appt today at 9;30 this morning. I get soo nervous before my doct appts that i feel like i need to use tha bathroom or i need to throw up. But this appt went really really good!! I had an ultrasound first and the baby was 3 times the size it was 2 weeks ago, its absolutely amazing what our female bodies can do. Anyways, they did all the measuring and she asked us if we wanted to know what the gender was and of course we said yes. We werent sure they would be able to tell because im only 16 weeks but the anatomy was there. There was definitely some junk in between the legs, which means.... its a boy!! we are so excited! Bryce went with us and got to see the baby on the screen and couldnt believe that was the baby in my tummy. But then we had to tell the dreaded news to Bailee who was very insistent on it being a girl. so we picked her up from school and had Bryce tell her, she of course didnt believe him and we had to tell her it was true. So her response was, " well, mommy when you have the next baby then that one can be a girl." So I guess she's not gonna give up on the idea of having a sister. We are gonna name him Lincoln so its fun to know and be able to call him his name and say he or him and not it or baby. Everything else in the ultrasound went great and theres no complications at this time. I go again in 3 weeks for my big ultrasound where they actually measure the legs and arms and check the face and head. we are extatic that everything is going so awesome, any prayers or thoughts that anyone has had for us is truly a blessing and we are very grateful
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bailee's first day of first grade!!
Well today was the first day of school for Bailee. She was not too excited last night when we would talk about it but she was excited to pick out the first outfit(of course)! So this morning mike left for work at 5:30am and he saw that she was already awake!! holy cow she was gonna be tired today.So the kids came and got me about 6:10 and we started our fun day. I could tell she was a lot more excited today to go to school. She actually let me take some cute pictures of her and she even posed for them. Last year for kindergarten she wanted nothing to do with taking pictures or even talking about school the first day. So this was a nice change. I definetley missed her today but the house did stay so much quieter with only Bryce and going to walmart this morning was a peice of cake when you only have one kid asking for toys!! haha Of course i counted the time to go pick her up and was so excited to see her at the end of the day. She said she really likes her teacher and she even made some new friends but she didnt know their names! we are so proud of her and cant wait to see her grow this year.
ps. She started piano lessons last week and is doing pretty good with them. And I started lessons too. I figured I wouldnt be able to help her if I didnt know how to play at least a little bit, its pretty fun to learn something new.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Meet the teacher
I know its been a while since i've posted. On thursday night bailee and I went to meet her teacher. She had been talking about it allllllllllll day, so we finally got to go and it was exciting because this year now that she will be a first grader, she gets to have her own desk! Im sure it makes her feel like a big girl because she gets to actually take her own crayons and pencils and a box to keep it in and she doesnt have to share with everyone at the table like in kindergarten. So I think it will be a fun year for her and I cant wait to see her progress this year. She like hers teacher alot and as much as she says she doesnt want to go to school on monday, I think she is actually excited deep down inside. We love you Bailee and mommy is gonna miss you while you are gone all day.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Another update on my family!!
Well on Tuesday we had a very busy day. First we started the day off with well checks for both kids that started at 8;30am and both kids are doing great. Bailee is in the 90th percentile for her weight and the 50th percentile for her hight, which is just soo crazy because from birht she wa always soo tiny and short and now shes finally filling out and growing taller. Bryce is our twig, he is in the 10th for his weight and in the 25th for his hight. So its kinda hard to feed my kids because one doesnt eat at all and only eats fruits and vegetables and the other is a total carb eater, so i have to find a balance for both.
After the well checks we headed straight to the summer movies that we go to every tuesday and 9;45am and Mike stayed home that day to be at all the appts. We saw the movie flushed away, it was cute but not the best. then we went to the mall to eat lunch, then off to the ob doctor for my check up. I thought i would seriously pass out during the appt because this appt was the first time they would check for the heartbeat with the doppler. And it took the lady about 4 minutes to find the heartbeat but we finally found it and it was the cutest sound i have heard in a long time!! Everything is going awesome with baby #3 and i have another appt in 2 weeks to hear the heartbeat again, then 2 weeks after that i get to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is still going good and in the right place. I was soo exhausted by then end of that day that i took a much needed nap.
After the well checks we headed straight to the summer movies that we go to every tuesday and 9;45am and Mike stayed home that day to be at all the appts. We saw the movie flushed away, it was cute but not the best. then we went to the mall to eat lunch, then off to the ob doctor for my check up. I thought i would seriously pass out during the appt because this appt was the first time they would check for the heartbeat with the doppler. And it took the lady about 4 minutes to find the heartbeat but we finally found it and it was the cutest sound i have heard in a long time!! Everything is going awesome with baby #3 and i have another appt in 2 weeks to hear the heartbeat again, then 2 weeks after that i get to have an ultrasound to make sure everything is still going good and in the right place. I was soo exhausted by then end of that day that i took a much needed nap.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So like i said in my last post that the pictures wouldnt download, so I called Mike in here and wanted to show him what was happening and it never fails, the computer made me look stupid because it worked the first time. We had such a blast in san diego and cant wait to go again. So here our some of our pictures of seaworld and the beach.
This was Gabby with this kids and her family went to seaworld the day we went and we have know them quite some time now and just love there family to pieces. But we wanted to get pictures of the kids showing support for our country.(except Gabby she didnt have any red whit and blue)but this is also when we were gonna go see the 4d movie so the kids had their "cool" glasses on. Bailee is not much of a fan of 3D movies she didnt wear her glasses the whole time because she kept saying it was too scary. But Bryce just kept laughing.
This Beach was very cold that day. We were just about the only people that were in a bathing suit and flip flops. I guess we didnt get the memo that said it was very cold and you should bring tennis shoes and jackets.
I was trying to be a photagrapher with this photo and I think its one of the cutest pictures from the whole trip.
Then heres my little ham. She loves to pose for the camera and kept asking me all week to take pictures of her doing everything. She looks so pretty with the sky and the beach behind her.
This was Bryce at the end of one of our long days. I just looked over and he was asleep in our bed at the hotel and had to take a picture. He is just the sweetest boy. He looks so peaceful.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Computer not working
Okay Jana I was gonna update my blog FINALLY but for some reason my pictures wont upload. If anyone knows what my problem is please tell me but in the mean time I have been doing great and we had an awesome time on our san diego trip with the kids. We went to seaworld and the beach and just had fun hangin out in the beautiful weather. Bailee kept saying "mom I wish the weather could be like this where we live, and i just kept telling her to keep dreaming becuase we live in AZ." But when i figure out how to upload my picts i will load them and give you guys a glimpse into our california trip.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bailee's Birthday!!!
Well Bailee's birthday was last friday the 27th and we had so much fun. we started the day off with our first trip to the dentist(I know I'm the meanest mom to take my kids to the dentist on their b day) but thats the day it fell on so what could i do. Anyway that was fun Bryce did awesome and has no issues yet with his teeth. But Bailee has a little gag reflex problem and they had a really hard time getting the exrays and finally gave up. but other than that she did really good.
Then at 2:30 we had 7 other 6 year olds come over for a swim party, it was soo much those girls have so much energy I wish i could bottle it up and use a little bit every day. then after swimming we went inside and had yummy cake and icecream and believe it or not the kids ate all the icecream and cake!!! then it was present time and that was fun too, the girls would see each present and start yelling out what they thought it would be, it was pretty funny.
One of the presents Bailee got was a Hannah montana wig and every single person had to try it on of course ....including mike I like to call him "Daddy Montana" I think it fits don't you?
Then at the end of the night we took Bailee to her favorite restraunt Red robin and met my parents and my sister and her fiance there. all in all it was a chaotic, fun, busy day!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
update on baby #3
Well we had another ultrasound and doctor appt on Tuesday and everything went really well. The ultrasound was the cutest!! There was actually a baby in there with a really strong heartbeat and everything was still shaped right and measured perfect. My due date is officially January 31st, we are sooooooooo beyond excited about this sweet baby. My doctor said everything looks so good that we dont have to go back for 4 weeks...AHHHHH I've got a little anxiety about that but I'm trying to just act like i did with Bailee and Bryce and not freak out. My morning sickness is really hard to deal with, i just feel crappy pretty much at all times. But this is what i signed up for so im taking it.
Thank you guys for all your support and prayers, I really need all i can get at this time in my life. Im really excited to see what the future hold for our Porter family!!!
Thank you guys for all your support and prayers, I really need all i can get at this time in my life. Im really excited to see what the future hold for our Porter family!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bryce is 3!!!
Well today is Bryces birthday. we had his party on saturday, so he doesnt actually know that his birthday is today(i thought it would confuse him) but I have thought about it all day that my precious baby boy is growing up!! He is such a funny kid and has such a great sense of humor. I love his little thoughts and his sayings. He is also very emotional and sensitive, sometimes thats good and sometimes it's bad. But Happy birthday Bryce we love you!!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
I have been out of the loop for a while but I'm back... Mike finally made it home from scout camp and he had a lot a fun, he did come back pretty sore though, he hiked 50+ miles!! I'm soo proud of him and thankful for his service for those boys.
The last week Bailee started the summer reading program at school and thats fun for her. It's nice because she only has to go for three hours and the first day she was shocked when I was there to pick her up already. She kept saying the rest of the day, " Is that what first grade is gonna be like?" but we had to burst her bubble and tell her no way. But she is enjoying summer school especially because they get to have snacks a few times in the day. One of her best friends Alex is in the class with her so that makes it better too of course.
The kids also started swimming lessons last week and Bailee loves every minute of it. For the first 3 days Bryce screamed his head off the entire 30 mins!!! and tried to get out of the pool numerous times and finally on the last day of that week he did perfect! I'm soo proud of him for over coming his fear a little bit. But is Monday morning and we have swimming lessons again to day and one of the first things out of his mouth this morning was that he did not want to go to swim lessons so we'll see how this week ends!!
I also had a doctor appt and they did an ultrasound and everything is grwoing the way it should. I go back next tues for another ultrasound and by then we will see a heartbeat. So I will try to keep myself busy this week to keep my mind off of it. With everything I've gone through in the past, I'm trying to just take it one step at a time and not get so anxiety filled, I'm doing a pretty good job. I'm not as stressed this time around. The nausia has started to kick in full force today!! yayay I actually like it but hate it at the same time. It at least gives me the idea that everything is moving in the right direction, as long as I'm feeling crappy than it's a good sign. So thats it for last week, now its just another week of the same thing so it will be busy!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mikes gone and I'm sad
Well Mike left on his scout camp on monday morning around 9 am. They were actually gonna leave at 5 am but the boys didn't like that soo much so they changed it. So I've been trying to come up with ideas of things to do while he is gone, some things came to mind like cleaning, laundry, some more cleaning but I decided that I don't really want to do much while he's gone, I just want to have fun. He wont get back until saturday so it will be a long week. Monday I did my moms hair and then we went to one of the city pools with our friends the Newbolds, then we went to streets of newyork to eat dinner with them too because my friend Janas husband works there so we thought it would be nice not to have to cook or anything. Today a bunch of us moms from the ward took the kids to the morning movies that is every tuesday so that will be fun for the summer. I also had a doctor appt today, most of you don't know yet but as of right this second I am pregnant again. I'm trying to be positive this time and really enjoy every minute because you never know when those minutes are over. so anyways then Bailee and I just got into the pool for a little bit while Bryce was taking a nap and now its time to go to my daily trip to walmart and then over to my moms for dinner. Now I just have to find some more things to do this week to pass the time, let me know if you have any ideas.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fathers and sons/ girls night out
This last friday was the father and sons campout. I think Mike was more excited to go than Bryce. He loves to camp and anyone who knows me, it is not my thing. So when he gets a chance to go camping he'll take it. But it sounded like they had a great time with everyo
Becky's triathlon!!!
This was me getting nervous to start the swim(6oo meters) and the water was61 degrees!!! holy cow I cant believe I did it. yay!!!
This next one was me right after I had completed the swim, and that was the worst part of the whole thing. I dreaded that part because I'm not too good of a swimmer, so i was on cloud 9 when i saw the end of the swim. next is the bike!
This was the BEST part of the whole race! to cross the finish line and do something that you never thought you would ever do in your life. I will probably do another one sometime in my life, but not any time soon!!
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