Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Its been a while!!

Well I thought I would catch you up on whats been going on with the Porters. Last week I had an enrichment activity(craft) at my house and that was soo fun. I was actually surprised at how many people showed up. It was a little stressful but We got through it.

Then over the labor day weekend we went camping with my family and the kids had a blast. I dont care to camp too much but it was actually somewhat enjoyable(maybe i shouldnt admit that...dont tell mike..hahah) anyway it rained pretty much the whole time we were there but i love, love, love the rain so it was nice. There was a little boy named Reed that was there that was a grandson to one of the families and he was 6 and him and bryce played soooooo good together. It was really nice not to have to entertain him. But bailee on the other hand kept asking me "mom, what can we do now?" I told her " Bailee we are doing it, this is what you do when youre camping...nothing" thats why i hate it so much, everyone just sits around and stares at the dirt. Or maybe i just dont know how to entertain myself. Bu all in all it was a fun trip.

Something else that we are looking forward to is my next ultrasound. Its thursday at 8:30am so that will be fun to get to see baby Lincoln for an extended period of time and get to see all his measurement. then on the same day at 11am bryce gets to go to his first day of preschool!!! we are so excited for him and know that he will be such a good boy and learn so much from mrs. kerry!


Holly said...

He is getting so big - I bet he will love it though! You know why Bailee gets bored camping - she gets it from her Mom! You two are so much alike! I can't wait to hear about your Ultrasound!

The Scott's said...

Hey!! So I'm finally getting on with the blog thing. Just don't look at mine yet because I don't know what I'm doing. I love your posts. You are so adorable and funny. I loved Bailey's camping comments. Yay for Lincoln and, of course, for you. Good job working and still momming it up! You're a stud.
