Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lincoln in a big boy bed

So last week Lincoln wanted to sleep in the bottom bunk of Bryce's bed so we tried it and within a few mins he was crying and wanting his crib. So 2 nights ago he wanted to try it again so Mike layed with him for a few mins and low and behold, he slept through the night in a big bed!! But we had a babysitter last night and we kinda forgot about the new bed situation so we warned the babysitter and told her to try and put him to bed with Bryce but when we got home all 3 older kids were asleep on the couch. She said they all fell asleep before 9pm so she just left them. I grabbed Lincoln and put him to bed in his big bed and he slept fine through the night again!! His naps we arent so lucky, he didnt get one yesterday because he wouldnt stay in his bed, I don't think I am ready for no naps yet. He is definately a kid that needs a nap so hopefully we can figure out a way for him to continue that, mostly for my sanity. Now the next week is potty training, which I thoroughly dispise!!! But it has to be done..

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And summer begins...

So today marks the last day of kindergarten for Bryce and the last day of third grade for Bailee!! They had a half day today so I put Lyla down for a nap and let the older three go swimming for a while, Bailee has been begging to go swimming for forever so today was the perfect day to do it. I am really lookingn forward to summer time. I love the no schedules and no alarm clocks and no lunch packing,,YAY!!! There will be lots of swimming and sleeping in and popsickles.              

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother of the year!

Well, I definately deserve mother of the year for this one...We were shopping at ross and I looked away for 2 seconds, but( I was seriously touching the cart) and then all of a sudden we heard a thud and screaming. I Looked at her and she was laying on the ground below the cart under a rack of clothes!!! I didn't have her buckled in and she decided she wanted out and completely fell to the floor. My mom had ice in her coffee in the car so she ran and grabbed a napkin with ice in it and Lyla cried for a good 15 mins while I tried not to, I felt like the worse mom in the whole world. I definatley need to buckle her now wherever we are because she is into absolutely everything. She was her happy self about 20n mins later but I am sure her head hurt for a while.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


 Here is Lyla upstairs in the hallway that she was soo proud of that she got up the stairs all by herself!!
 This look on her face is so cute, once she saw me she took off as fast as possible to get away. we did finally get a gate for the stairs but every now and then it will get left open and she will be up those stairs so fast its funny
I just had to get a good pic of her cute reddish hair. There isn't a time that I am out and about that someone doesn't comment on her beautiful red hair, I love it. Her eyebrows out in the sun are so red too. I love the cute little personality she is showing now, she has the biggest cheesiest smile and smiles at everyone. She has started to let go when she stands up now and she looks at me like " what do I do now" shes just soo much fun. She has also started to get into toilet water and we have to put the garbage cans up everyday. Everyday is a new learning experience for me and for her.

Bryce and basketball

So a couple of weeks ago Bryce started basketball. He is seriously soo stinkin cute in his uniform. The first practice we had, I thought for sure he was never going to want to play because he didnt want to shoot the ball he didnt want to listen to the coach. He has completely turned a 180 and loves basketball now.

This past saturday was a game and for the first time since this season started he has never made a basket and finally he made one practicing before the game, we were soo extremely excited and you could just see his face beaming. During the game he also got the first basket of the game too. I am soo proud of him. Lets hope it keeps up. Sorry the photos are blurry but I couldnt get my camera to work properly.