Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother of the year!

Well, I definately deserve mother of the year for this one...We were shopping at ross and I looked away for 2 seconds, but( I was seriously touching the cart) and then all of a sudden we heard a thud and screaming. I Looked at her and she was laying on the ground below the cart under a rack of clothes!!! I didn't have her buckled in and she decided she wanted out and completely fell to the floor. My mom had ice in her coffee in the car so she ran and grabbed a napkin with ice in it and Lyla cried for a good 15 mins while I tried not to, I felt like the worse mom in the whole world. I definatley need to buckle her now wherever we are because she is into absolutely everything. She was her happy self about 20n mins later but I am sure her head hurt for a while.

1 comment:

sheila said...

I see you are a normal mother.