Saturday, August 9, 2008

Meet the teacher

I know its been a while since i've posted. On thursday night bailee and I went to meet her teacher. She had been talking about it allllllllllll day, so we finally got to go and it was exciting because this year now that she will be a first grader, she gets to have her own desk! Im sure it makes her feel like a big girl because she gets to actually take her own crayons and pencils and a box to keep it in and she doesnt have to share with everyone at the table like in kindergarten. So I think it will be a fun year for her and I cant wait to see her progress this year. She like hers teacher alot and as much as she says she doesnt want to go to school on monday, I think she is actually excited deep down inside. We love you Bailee and mommy is gonna miss you while you are gone all day.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Gosh Becky, I can hardly believe Bailee is already a first grader.
I am sure she will like school and everyone will love her. Guess Bryce will be kind of lonely at first though.
Really enjoy these updates.
Lots of love to all,